His face contorted in rage before it smoothed out, which caused her to feel the first pang of fear, You have an owl, dont you? he asked, his voice lowered so the students around them no doubt trying to listen couldnt hear. Had something gone wrong with a potion she had on in her study room? Like, really worried.. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Emma thought what they had been through made them special, not broken. Perfect student, nerdy about all things potions related, had played quidditch well enough to get on her house team as a second year. Emmas fight or flight response kicked in without her even realizing it. Also, what group homes had this lady heard about that did allow lying? The tryout for seeker is simple whoever catches the snitch first is on the team. I dont like having my tutoring sessions at different times all the different days. This was true, it was annoying having her sessions on Monday at 3:30, Wednesdays at 6:00 and Saturdays at 10:00. Im fine, Regina said automatically. Or you could just actually pay attention for once instead of trying to wing it, she snapped, her patience vanishing quickly. It was one thing to test potions on herself, another to do it to her friend. Luckily, the dwarves ducked behind the sleeping pedestals just in time, but it managed to hit Sapphire squarely, knocking her down. Im sorry, Emma said sincerely. Snow, David, and a couple others died. Her shield had evidently been too high, aiming to protect their heads, not her feet, and so her ankle had been burned. In fact, Regina had almost thought Emma had snuck away completely until she heard rustling and Emma haphazardly came into view. Dont you dare drop me, I said, using my death stare. There was obvious fallout around school. Young Regina, fed up with Rumplestiltskin's games, went in search of Maleficent. You take the pairs you tap and you want to get all the pairs if possible, with there being less pairs as the game goes on but also less time to tap pairs when you do see them. Emma jogged to catch up to her and they both emerged into a large chamber studded with glittering crystals. I was about to thank him for saving me from the argument, but there was a knock on the door, so I went to open it. You may come in, provided that cat goes back on the streets where it belongs., All Emma could hear was the implication that that was where Emma belonged too, but that Sharon was making a very generous exception letting Emma in. Regina nodded stiffly, her eyes not leaving the boys, who did in fact look stricken. Now, Reginas mind raced as she stood waiting. Werewolves dont normally had kids and not with non-werewolves. Finally, the lid lifted up by itself and revealed the third compartment. Team? Emma asked, she was still trying to keep up with all the new information she was constantly hearing on a daily basis. She knew it didnt matter anymoreeither her mother would be brought down today or she escaped capture and it was only a matter of time before she killed Regina for the betrayal. Very well, if you must be in Ravenclaw, you will be at the top of your class. Of course, Emmas lips brushed Reginas as she replied to Reginas question, just in case it wasnt obvious from before. She wanted to help, she really did, but she couldnt. Accordingly to her mother he had been kicked in his chest, but ELM was very good at their job. Can you access them?, Regina nodded, Yes, I canI can show you to her vault., Regina had them follow her upstairs to the large drawing room Cora used primarily for entertaining and impressing allies. Regina found, with the right twist it was easier to talk about school to him than shed thought. So, I get what it feels like, to have no one understand you., Well, Emma ventured, Now we can talk about magic stuff over the summer, right?, She gave Lily a hopeful smile and Lily grinned back at her, Right. It was a generic power enhanceradding it to a potion or adding to magical objects or even having some on your wand or hands when casting a spell would strengthen the spell, making it last longer or be more effective. Hello! Emma kept talking though and Regina made sure to really listen to what Emma was and was not saying. She wanted to hug the other girl, an impulse shed never had before. Tina she said weakly. You didnt even try that time., Regina glared at Emma, I thought we were past you sticking your nose where it didnt belong., Correction, now Emma was pissed. Ive known that. Emmas heart panged for Regina at the calm certainty in Reginas voice. I think Ill try to go back to Kings Cross. She motioned for Emma to joined her up at the head of the bed against the pillows. Its for luck, she half-laughed. Another series of cracks sounded, pulling the students attention from the sounds of happy reunions to find a trio of serious looking wizards had appeared. It was a flat above a potion shop, her own potions shop, and she focused harder on the feeling of freedom that idea gave her. His breath stank of fire whiskey. That curse? She gave me some obscure ones to try but half werent real potionsjust the kind of hogwash shady peddlers selland the others didnt have much effect.. Regina looked around the shop once her eyes adjusted and saw the only shop assistant was busy finishing up with a customer. I like to fly and I like to watch Quidditch well enough, but not enough to play on a team., Its a lot of fun, Emma said, eager to talk about one of her favorite subjects. Emma smiled at the obvious glee in Reginas voice as the older girl did another lazy loop, seemingly unable to help herself. WAIT WHAT? Within a minute, her arm was not quite itching, but pricking like a it had fallen asleep. An impressive adaptation. All she remembered was Mary Margaret saying she didnt like it and that she preferred using the Floo network. is everything set up? Emma asked her friends. Luckily, the driver wasnt really talkative, but we arrived at the hotel really fast. Fairy dust was a powder of the magical crystal which studded these walls. What? Regina asked sharply, staring at her in surprise. Some people simply dont have what it takes to survive in this world, Cora finished contemptuously. We have a broomstick club and a winged horses club and you can join if you want to learn. As if she had any idea of where to find that. Her mind went to her mothers reputation, even if that probably wasnt fair. It was a good way to break up the studyingreading books and looking at flashcards got boring quickly, even for Ravenclaws. And that your mother is in Azkaban where she belongs. How long have you had Melchoir? He nodded at the horse she was leading. Emma - Summer before Year 5Regina - Summer before Year 6. It was there I wrote my original note to you. Look, its fine, Lily said casually as she led Emma up to her room. Obligingly, Mary Margaret and Emma both jumped over that step and then onto the landing with a heavy thump. Regina tapped the trunk to enlarge it, both women leaned back as it expanded to its full size. I wanted to see if I could, Regina said with a casual shrug. Why did they do that?, Obviously, Emmas confusion and horror must have shown in her voice as Marco rushed to explain, We were concerned members of the Red Fist were going to personally target some of us. 6 guests And it doesnt matter anymore, does it? The lessons were not going well. But there were other things I picked up on that I believe you did not know about. Stupefy!. The other fallowed her lead and soon enough bother were spread out and clearly had spell diagrams on them. Daniel didnt seem to notice her discomfort and so he just nodded. Do you know his first name?. Couldnt have expected you to know. You will make a most worthy friend., Cunning too her careful way of watching Mother and all the clues to her mood, figuring out how best to avoid her wrath. You know, shes one of those old family, muggles are a subspecies and muggleborns are a sign of decay in societythat sort of person, Ruby said, waving a hand. Theyll need proof. I wonder what else is different. Emmas ran a hand through her hair as she thought, How about flying? Regina shuddered at the very thought, never had a yew wands reputation been better deserved. Some people would have us believe muggles and wizardkind are different races, different speciesbut we are not., Emma kept silent throughout Reginas speech, she had the distinct impression Regina had never talked about this aloud, had never told anyone her thoughts on this issue so plainly and so she kept silent. Cora eyed her daughter as she sipped her drink, but incorrectly attributed her nerves to Coras opinion of her performance at the party last night, You really must do a better job of talking to Robin, dear., Regina hoped the small flash of triumph at her mothers non-reaction to the potion was disguised by her ducking her head, Im sorry, Mother. First, Regina acquired a second book from the library, this one a basic guide on herbology and its use in tandem with potion making. Her Astronomy professor had called her Emma White at least three times since the truth came out. I really appreciate it. She chewed the end of her quill as she thought. I need to come up with a plan. Over the past few years, Neald refused to read any letters his dad sent him and so he had no idea where he was., Oh god, Emma was horrified. Beth has it covered for now. Regina - Summer before Year 6Emma - Summer before Year 5. She reached out and grasped Reginas upper arm to get the older girl to face her, Weve been through too much.. Listen! And Mr. Gold, she said calmly and at that point I was inches away from losing my composure. Can each forge her own path or will fate decide history bears repeating? Sapphire! Leroy just gave Emma a look and headed off to the mine with a wave. What? Emma frowned, why couldnt Regina ever say a thing outright? junior bana padel storlek; Engagement History. Mr. Wait, Regina reached out to still Emmas hand, How many shrivelfigs have you prepared?. Char hissed out a loud breath and took off to the left. It was more unsettling than anything else, more than sad or frightening. Once youve got all that, head down to the mine. Because youre right, of course you are., You wouldnt be who you are if theyd lived, if theyd raised you. It hardly ever happened before Hogwartseveryone always knew which kids were foster kids. It was supposed to be temporary. There was real despair in his voice and he started to get chocked up talking about it, We They Im sorry, Id rather not talk about it. That surely wouldnt warrant an in person interruption into another class. Faris scowled ferociously, but couldnt dispute the win. The Hogwarts Express was really only used for this journey and so it arrived at the platform overnight and was already waiting for students to board. Mother had such influence throughout he Ministry, she didnt feel comfortable going to anyone with what she knew. Regina flew in close loose circles, slowing down. Finally, two more students were released because they got into some sort of argument that resulted in one of them throwing the quaffle at the others head and further devolved into a shoving match that nearly brought both players to the ground. It felt wrong to go to perform a serious spell in her muggle T-shirt and ratty jeans. Regina nodded somewhat uncertainly. Here, in this castle, away from her mothers close eye would be where her life would really begin. Emma froze even as Danny replied, Emmas here, but her name is Swan. Emma didnt trust her voice and just nodded. Its over, Emma, I said and started moving forward when I found a way out of the crowd, dragging Emma with myself. A Patronus, Emma replied and she made a vague gesture with her hand. He has a cell phone and he can lock the room door, I explained. It was almost midnight and we all started the countdown. Sprout had asked if shed liked to stay up in Scotland near to school, but after admitting she couldnt stay at Hogwarts itself, Emma had told her shed prefer to be in London. Yeah, the girl preened at the compliment. Her mind was too clouded by memories, Because last year I had to deal with one of those curses and I didn't know what to do until the very end. Emma could feel the other woman's heart beat forcefully against her own chest as she relaxed against her frame. Im a werewolf.. She stifled a whoop as she dodged and rolled, nearly missing a thick branch and then had to dive to avoid Emma herself heading wildly in the other direction. Tryouts are over.. She was pretty sure she had only just worked her way past eight-year-old level. They were here to win. Thats the thing. She sighed, feeling tired for all she was glad Mary Margaret seemed to finally be feeling bad for what shed done. Still, the book was mostly a bust and probably outdated given that it was from four years ago. Nice to meet you as well, Regina gave a little nod before turning back to the tack. Will Regina return her affections or will they continue raising Henry and the new baby as they always have? There was a very clear place to start and Emma knew it from the look she was giving her. Leroy grumbled about not being an owl, but waited for her to write the note out and disappeared with a pop after she gave it to him. My school doesnt have Astronomy. Ive wanted to for a while, but Papi didnt let me try until last year. Some people speak against crossbreeding, but often breeding in with nonmagical stock helps keep the bloodlines from getting to inbreed and can add stability to Regina found herself rambling on about her fathers breeding business for a while as she continued to stroke Rocinante. Cool, I want to be one, Lily said. I'm really glad I got to work with you! McGonagall gave her a kind smile, Matching a witch to a wand is challenging and time-consuming, but worth the time it takes. (How did I miss that when I reserved the room???) I took a deep breath and took her hands in mine. Hm, Regina acknowledged. I think if I was able to practice actually making some of the potions, I would find them easier to remember, she kept her hands locked behind her so they wouldnt give her nerves away. What about the Quidditch museum? Oh, he- hes here. Im sorry, Mother, Regina replied dully, knowing there was nothing more that she could say. My apologies, I didnt mean to ask personal questions, I just wanted to check if I was in the right place, he explained himself immediately. Oh, thats alright. She reached forward and grabbed blindly at a fruit before she got up and strode away, shaking. Neal blinked himself back into the moment and felt his eyebrows. She looked at the large burn covering her ankle with dismay. What about it?. Ive known I need to escape her for years, my whole life it feels like, even as its seemed impossible. They didnt right now, because he didnt look like himself. Emma knew MM had mentioned that her family had one as well, it was still rather strange to have your friend summon one like that. Its about my parents, Emma said in a raspy voice. So?. I dont know it although I want to learn it, Emma said, paling slightly with the memory of the first time shed been near one. It was too late now, Leroy grabbed her arm and they vanished. Apparently, since she was a witch and going to this magical school, she also needed special magical school supplieseverything on the list the professor had given to her along with her acceptance letter. And youre done here. Madame Malkin carefully levitated the pinned robe off of Emma. Her entire posture much more casual. Marion May. The name meant that Reginas own turn was sure to come up soon, perhaps even next. She stifled a yawn as she took it out. Youre our friend and somethings wrong and you wont tell us., Its I found out Granny tried to keep it from me My mom Ruby kept starting her sentences before changing her mind. You found this cat on your way here and are clearly trying to lie in order to keep it. Why are you this stubborn? Yeah, Ruby said, but she didnt sound happy about it. Super awkward, right? The fact that people have read and liked my work gave me extra motivation while writing this one. She studied the girl who had to be Snow White, her mother. Miss Swan, Gold said, breaking her out of her thoughts. Maleficent is intrigued by the young queen who enters her domain uninvited. When she woke up slowly hours later, she found Emmas head resting on her shoulder and se was pretty sure she knew why. It was the main reason the recent law changed so that any wizard or witch afflicted by a curse, even if it erased their knowledge of magic, must be treated at St. Mungo's., Yeah? Emma hadnt know that, no one had said anything about laws She shook her head and refocused. Hooked Queen. You just made me curious Research for what? Last, she hastily pulled on her wand holster. Rocinante coming closer had evidently ruined any confidence shed gained while here by herself with the thestrals ignoring her. Weve been here half an hour and youre still on the same page., Regina looked down at her Transfiguration textbook as if seeing it for the first time. Cora went to lunge forward, when a bolt of red light hit the ground between them. Regina didnt want her to fall offnot that she wanted Emma closer, except of course that she did. Then she shot out of the covered part of the bridge into the sky. Ah! ***. After that, the other students devolved into loud arguing and questions. Maybe they could help. Thestrals are gentle creatures who appreciate calm, Regina explained as she beckoned Emma closer. First up on the list would be Protego, the shield charm., Emma, Regina gave her a patient, but exasperated look. She turned in her seat to get away and pulled out her wand out, Hey, watch it!. Yeah, well The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.. She gently set her wand to hovering and used both hands to examine the package. Fourth we have the joint keepers and chasers tryouts. Tamara grasped Coras shoulder then and began to move her into another room. She really was there and it made me wonder if she embraced me on purpose or just in her sleep because in that case I would have stayed still and quiet so I wouldnt wake her up. She was the first one to pull back though and as she slid her hands back into her pockets, I instantly missed her skins warmth on mine. No, what happened? Regina replied, Kathryn always knew what was going on because her sister always did. Why would that make her take you off the team?, Regina could barely stop from reeling back, her captain had done this to her. Emma squinted in the now minimal light. Dilly, we need your help, Mary Margaret said, bending down slightly so she could look the house-elf more in the eye. Sloooower Emma said in a bad imitation of Reginas voice that nevertheless caused Ruby to laugh. Are you free to come now?. Regina? Sure enough, soon the other girl, also holding her lit wand in front of her in one hand and a broomstick in the other came around the corner. Is that it? I dont know why I am surprised. Miss Mary calls? the creature said in a squeaky voice as she curtsied. The rolling forward dives and tight turns were messing with her head a bit but she stayed focus on the image of the bridge in her mind, not the blurry world she was seeing through her goggles. Regina doesn't trust Robin, or herself, to perform the skills required of pairs skaters. He didnt blame her or think she deserved it. They began walking over towards the students, frowns on their faces when a final loud crack sounded, which echoed in the large chamber of the cave and a voice cried out, What is going on here?. Which meant aside from various lessons in etiquette, pueblood family lines, and other nonsense, Regina had to be adequately dressed to both look appealing and show off their wealth. Emma was trying to remember if theyd forgotten anything and was about to start juggling her purchases to pull out her letter when McGonagall spoke up. Hi, Regina replied, studying him more closely now that she wasnt seeing him from a distance through the window. 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