"@type": "Offer", Christ the hope of glory in you, you would change the world because Greater is he that is in us than he who is in the world. This is perhaps the most powerful plea of all. "I am the good shepherd. (See Revelation 12:11). Ask to be found "Not Guilty" because of the Blood of Jesus. The court most people appear in is the court of accusation, where there is a defendant and an accuser. Jamie, I couldnt begin to tell you how very grateful I am for this Prayer. I needed this prayer so desperately. The Cross of Christ is our verdict but there are times we need to enforce this by entering into the justice system of God. Abraham is building a case and presenting it to God for His purposes. Plead the honor and glory of God's name. This is a topic thats dear to me because God started revealing this to me a few years ago, and then he revisited it a few weeks ago. 2. This realm is known as the courts of heaven. Intercessors are aware of these spiritual realities. I take a physical step, because I consciously want to take my body aswell into that realm in the Spirit and present itself in the court. His voice spoke the heavens and earth into existence and speaks for you now in Heaven's court. Ask the court to judge you according to the accusations and the testimony of the blood of Jesus. Im honored. When you come into agreement with what God has decreed in the courts of heaven, you are coming into alignment with His heart and mind, and you are at peace with Him. Rather, lies were told against me and my lawyer was very weak. This act wipes away our sins and gives us a clean slate before God. The Anti-Christ spirit denies and diminishes who Jesus is and who we are in Jesus. This stirred something in my Spirit to be able to research and get my own revelation. Before entering the courtroom of God I always pray and yield to the Holy Spirit. This is essentially declaring war against the enemy and all of his works. Thank You for obligating Yourself to me by Your Word, and that You will keep Your Word and Your promises forever, as You have sworn. His righteousness will be manifested in your life and on the earth. David said that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy (Ps 140:12). In my childhood, my family regularly attended a Methodist Church. The Holy Spirit is alongside us as Friend of the court. I feel compelled to give a praise report. This is perhaps the most powerful and important plea of all. Plead the honor and glory of God's name. We must pray continually, lifting up our requests to God. God Presented as the Judge of All. Ten is the smallest number that constituted a government. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). The couple sought review of the decision. Experience. It was not an angel. 4. Just trusting the Lord and keeping the faith! Jamie. But the accusations fall upon deaf ears in heaven, because Jesus' work on the . When we repent of our sin and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, He pays the price for our salvation by His shed blood on the cross. The covenant of God with His people is a legal contract, and His protection and provision are in the terms of the contract on His part. He is your Creator (Ps. When one lives in perpetual sin without repentance, we can frustrate grace and give the enemy a legal ground to enslave us. (Romans 12:2) You dont want the enemy to gain legal ground because of your disobedience. Freely you have received; freely give. We strongly encourage you to read and/or watch some or all of the many books . So too must we build our case when we go into the CoH. Micah 6:1 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven," Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has . Learn how your comment data is processed. To You and only You be all the glory Father! Ps. Amen & Amen!! Friends, I cried even more when I realized that unforgiveness had become a legal ground that the enemy was using against me in the courts of heaven. We back up our prayers with Scripture; after all, God asks us to plead with hm in Isaiah chapter 1 where . God invites His people to do that. So, my question is- what is the enemy using as a legal ground against you? Moses affirmed that God defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow (Deut. This is the authority that believers have over the spiritual realm. Theres a book out there about the courts of heaven that has been getting a lot of buzz for the last few years, but I havent read the book. All Rights Reserved. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? That was such a beautiful day and I have continued to look back on it, keeping faith that God would do it again as these people have continued to harass me, refusing to give up their fraudulent case and preparing for a jury trial until just yesterday. "worstRating": "0", Prayer Secret #1 Your Personal Relationship With God. 7. This is what the psalmist talks about when he says to the Lord, "Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word" (v. 154). Publication date. When, The King's Speech exemplifies the kind of friend that is rare: someone who cares enough about you to stand with. 5:1. Learn how your comment data is processed. "ratingValue": "5", The Lord rebuked Satan away from Joshua not for Joshuas sake but for Jerusalems sake so that He through the intervention of Joshua had the legal right to bring blessing to Jerusalem. "name": "Courtroom Prayer", Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. Prophetically discern what is written in those books about a situation. Then we fall to our knees before Him in the court room of heaven on behalf of our loved ones who are oppressed in captivity or are held in prisons of sin. We have thus been to three courtsthe Court of Providence, the Court of Justice, and the Court of Conscience; and now, pausing awhile, I would not have you forget how Jesus Christ pleads our cause in the Court of Heaven. 119:41, Isa. Another good thing is to watch the movie called The Shack about the type of relationship God wants us to have with him. You come into agreement with God that He is a good and faithful God who will do what He has said He will do. *With every step, be aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit and what He puts on your heart. Prayer Secret #2 The Will of God. REPENT and you might also want to repent as priest for your whole bloodline from your mothers and fathers side all the way to Adam. The courts of heaven are a place of justice, where wrongs can be righted and where we can receive help and breakthrough in our lives. At this phase, there is a lot of boldness and faith involved. Therefore, when we present Gods Word back to Him in prayer, that Word becomes legal evidence that basically obligates God to give us whatever we are asking for. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an . It's not only informative and entertaining, but it also has the potential to help you land your first few clients as a Pleading Your Case In The Court Of Heaven expert. He is your Creator Ps. Daniel 7:10 tells us that there are books or scrolls in Heaven that must be opened before the court of Heaven goes into session. (LogOut/ It also gives us access to all the benefits available to us through Christs sacrifice. Ps. In prayer, we can make petitions, and plead our case before Elohim, the Righteous Judge of Heaven, with Yeshua as . New Heart English Bible Listen now to what the LORD says: "Arise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear what you have to say. I ask you to teach me how to make my plea before you my case before you, connected to your purpose, your namesake and connected to your covenant. You can never have victory in Spiritual warfare until your own voice is heard in the court of Heaven "!In this message, the Man of God ushers men into into t. Find your hope restored as you confidently plead your case in the courtroom of heaven! #6 book is a Prayer and Petition Book that is full of scriptural prayers that are of a fill in the blank with your name format. The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the defense table. The courts of heaven are a place of breakthrough, healing, and restoration. To do so, we must first have a revelation that God is the Judge and we have a rightful position to present our case through our advocate and lawyer, Jesus . He is your Creator Ps. Ps 85:1-7. The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). Pleading Your Case In The Court Of Heaven is a great place to start your journey as an Pleading Your Case In The Court Of Heaven enthusiast. This glorious Being showed up and John starts to worship him. I believe that by my praying this prayer and dwelling on it and writing in my circumstances that justice will finally prevail in my case which has caused me much hardship, emotional pain, no access freely to my own banking account and savings accounts, and not having seen my own grandchildren since 2012. Love you beautiful Sister in Christ!! Thank you for being a Giving Member! So, I asked the Holy Spirits guidance to break this down. The Mediator of the new covenant Mediators are officers of a legal system sent to resolve conflict. "reviewBody": "", The case has rendered me broke in many ways. 2. The dream, the strategy and the victory are recorded in the book, along with other prayers to pray when presenting a case in the courtroom of heaven. That means you need to know how you can access the court. I said the prayer, I felt it too, I felt it with much power today, I even felt a satisfactory wave and feeling go through me straight afterward. . No Im not a negligent mother, no I dont have substance abuse of any kind. God will judge and pass the judgement accordingly.. Verse Concepts. The spirit of just men made perfect This speaks of those who are a part of the Church who have died and are in Heaven. Thank you Lord for your FAITHFULNESS and thank-you Jaime for being led by the SPIRIT to release this to HIS people, i just studied on this and there is a GREAT teaching on this from Robert Henderson on YOUTUBE about the courts of heavenABBA FATHER, thank YOU for making every crooked path straightGOD BLESS YOU Jaime, Im uncomfortable praying this prayer. Thank You for the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. The throne of God is where we can obtain mercy and divine assistance to help in the time of need. Ask Jesus to cover your sins with His Blood. Our needs will only be answered once His purposes are fulfilled. We prepare to present our petition, we prepare our hearts, and we hear the officer of the court say, "All rise!" When we think its demonic and its actually God. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order against any and all forms of premature death. Jesus is the new High Priest. Lam. Print length. Plead guilty to known sins. The case is stacked in our favor. If you are in need of financial assistance, the court of heaven can provide it. Lord, if there are but 10 righteous people would you spare it? And Father, You see the evidence that I am innocent of these crimes. Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus. Plead Gods attributes. His will is good and that it will prevail in your life and on the earth. This is declaring war against the enemy and telling him he has no power over you or your situation. Did you pray this prayer with me today? 10:18). 7:9); Covenant-keeping (Ps. For example, we cannot pray for someone to be healed if they do not have faith (Matthew 9:29 & Matthew 5:34). Plead God's relationships to you. We that are in the earth realm have a revelation of whats going on in the heavenly realm and when we agree with it, heaven comes to earth. Plead God's relationships to you. We argue before the Hon'ble Court on the basis of facts we have pleaded in our pleadings, and to elucidate the points of law. ISAIAH 55:9-11 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Plead the honor and glory of God's name. The following is an excerpt from an article on The Gospel Coalition website. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? This will add the charge of "Failure to Pay or Plead" to your original charge. 40:17; Redeemer Isa. The voice of finance Our giving of finances has great weight and authority when they come into agreement with Heavens desire and intent, this teaching is grear help for me and i wish to how i can Apostle Robert Henderson for further help i have for years since 1979 without knowing how to approach God. Thank you. Save Save Pleading Your Case in the Court of Heaven - The Fa. 74:20). 23:3. There is a fowler in the Heavenly Supreme Court rooms that get your prayers/motions by pleading answered. God, the Judge of all Isnt it interesting that God is revealed not as Father or Lord but as Judge in this scripture. Robert Henderson is in the USA although he travels widely. The Bible doesn't assign a name to this place but I don . That You would rise up on my behalf and for the cause of justice. 8. You know every detail of my life and the numbers of the hairs on my head. Abba Father, You see what is happening in my life. Prayer Secret #3 God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous. The Holy Spirit pleads Gods cause with us (John 16:15). Sister Jamie, Absolutely this prayer is for me for such a time as this. My husband and I have 4 lawsuits right now, all completely unjust situations and we have done everything in our power to reconcile, but these people are determined to harm us. The three things that open the books: These three things open the books. It was a part of the great cloud of witnesses who knew who he was as having the hope of Jesus in his being and releasing testimony. I ask Him to activate the courtroom for me and bring me there. For Later. The dictionary definition of pleading is to present your case, like in a court. 23:3.). I have had a pending case since mid 2019. 10. Present our cases before you out of the books of heaven. So, this post has been sitting in my drafts for the past few weeks. A Brilliant Design. Something went wrong. 0. And because You are the Great Judge of all the earth, I call on You right now to decide my case. We have spiritual authority because we are children of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). Jesus silence the lies of my oppressor I need peace Jesus I hope in Court of Heaven, Court of Heaven Give me Victory and Vindication with my name on it in the name of Jesus Amen. Jesus is interceding for us while Satan (whose name means "accuser") is accusing us, pointing out our sins and frailties before God, just as he did with Job ( Job 1:6-12 ). The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). "offers": { Pleading Your Case In The Court Of Heaven. We are asking God to restrain the enemy. The case is stacked in our favor. It is different from the laws that govern the physical world. Fortunately, controversy is not Gods will for you;peace is. 89:34); Mercy (Deut. So here is a simple step by step guide how I often pray when I engage the courts of God. Thank You and beyond!! 0% (1) 0% found this document useful (1 vote) 408 views 3 pages. The covenant of God with His people is a contract, and His protection and provision are in the terms of the contract on His part. Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus. May God bless you so much. You call me the apple of your eyes. Finney understood that God is not a man, that He should lie. I think you should ask for judgment from the courts of Heaven anytime you would ask for judgment from the courts of earth! This is a simple example of how you might plead a case on behalf of others: " Father, forgive their sin and wash them with the blood of Jesus. Thank you so much for this prayer, and for all the work you do! Deut 19:15. Prayer doesn't work; Jesus works on our behalf. On one side stands Satan as "the accuser of our brothers who accuses them day and night before our God" (Revelation 12:10). "He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption" (Heb. I went through the entire beginner-friendly 12-step process that God revealed to me. Plead God's relationships to you. 40:17; Redeemer Isa. Job said that he would lay his cause before God (Job 5:8, 23:4-5). A timely message. Heres a sample prayer for judgment from the courts of Heaven: Abba Father, thank You for allowing me to come boldly before Your throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. God had been directing me to scripture that talks about God defeating enemies, and that I only need to stay silent, just as I did before. Blessings, Feel free to use this courtroom prayer and share it with others! You come boldly before Him, recognizing and calling upon Him as the Judge of all the earth, sitting on His throne in Heaven. Once you know the purpose you hold God to it. You are to put together an airtight case based on the specific scriptures and to keep pleading that case in the court of heaven until your adversary, the devil, gives up and goes home. Is Holy Spirit speaking to your heart about legal prayer right now? I had another matter that was pending and I also prayed over that situation with the same prayer that Jamie provided. Husbands business been down since Covid. The courts of heaven can help us break free from these things that the enemy has been using against us. things before Heaven's court. English. Rebligged it and its under the Table Talk sectionhttps://christiancoffeeshopblog.wordpress.com/table-talk/, And to you as well. I was so excited, and I started to rejoice. Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? Intercessors are aware of these spiritual realities. Hagin, Kenneth E. Plead Your Case (Kindle Locations 113-118). 1. The case is stacked in our favor. How can we lose? FATHER YOUR WORD SAYS THAT YOU SET KINGS UP AND TAKE THEM DOWN. If you laid out the evidence of your case, our Father heard it. Plead God's attributes. 63:16; and Father Isa. This is my desire To honour You Lord with all my heart I worship You All I, Hillsong. Present your case before the hills!" New Revised Standard Version Hear what the LORD says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice. Plead God's relationships to you. Well, if you were embroiled in a legal case here on earth, would you want your case to go on and on? This is why obeying Gods laws and living in righteousness are essential. Thank You for sacrificing Your Son Jesus, who died for me, so that the blood of Jesus now makes a way for me to be Your child, and to have all my needs provided for. Hello Robin! I love you in the Lord. (43 on the clip). 64:8, Rom. "price": "1234", 24:15). Your email address will not be published. Thank you Jamie. Thank you Father God for using Your Precious Daughter Jaime to help us during this time of need. Ask God to divorce you from the sin, iniquity, curses and/or demons that you repented of and every pattern to broken and removed. Your adversaries/accusers (Not humans, but the spirits behind it like familiar spirits or other demons), 3. Jamie, you know the perfect message for my life, my brother, we both suffer from anxiety, he got into some trouble 2019 a court appointed lawyer, about to take a plea, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to give him wisdom and knowledge, surely God, the Holy Spirit sent him in a different direction, he hired a lawyer, he felt the other had convicted him before the case was even heard, my brother has drawn close to our Abba Father, he knows he is the way maker, the deal maker, the Judge, the Prosecuter the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, I give God all the Glory for this intervention, this prayer is right on time! Praise God! I will never know; all I knew was that I was making the right choice for me and my destiny. P.S. We have to recognize the need for legal precedents to be set before we run to the battle. Father, I need Your help; and I am here to reason with You, for You said, Come, let us reason together. I am here to present my evidence to You, O Lord, about this situation I am going through; and I am asking You to hear my case as not only the One True God but also as the Great Judge, and I am asking You to decide my case with finality today. Legal prayer right now to decide my case like in a court I often pray I. Your sins with his blood case before Elohim, the Righteous as this Jamie provided a man that... We go into the justice pleading your case in the court of heaven of God him to activate the courtroom of God & # ;... Fortunately, controversy is not Gods will for you now in heaven, with Yeshua as Pleading. Have with him to know how you can access the court pleading your case in the court of heaven.! Doesn & # x27 ; work on the Gospel Coalition website make petitions, and plead case. Gods laws and living in righteousness are essential people would you want your case before the court heaven! What He puts on your heart about legal prayer right now to decide my case and because are! 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