[46], A legend titled the Song of Selne told of her as a youthful goddess, residing in a mystic realm populated by deities. A kite shield with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. [24][note 3], The most sacred rituals, observed by all clergy, were the Mystery of the Night, an annual holy day, and the rare Conjuring of the Second Moon. The holy symbol of Selne in the form of a silver pendant. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. [39], After the Spellplague happened in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, Selne became a popular deity across Faern, as her priesthood made pilgrimages to every corner of the continent, wanting to bring hope to people in those desperate times. The one constant was her eternal conflict with Shar. Sehanine's temple is a soaring monument constructed of white marble and shaped so as to suggest imminent flight. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC. Tbh the sailor moon take is such a good one. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][10][11][24], Selne and her teachings of compassion and guidance were appealing to all folk who lived their lives by the moonlit night sky, and hence her faithful were a very diverse group. [11] In the middle of the Gates of the Moon, Selne resided in a shining silver hall named Argentil, a place of beauty, quietness, and moonlight. A commoner's necklace with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Contents Activities Culture Possessions Abilities Spellcasting Powers Lycanthropy Relationships Members Notable Silverstars Appendix Appearances References Activities The ranks of Selne's faithful include mariners, travelers, and those who seek comfort in the night. [14], Suiting the goddess's chaotic and changeable ways, the church hierarchy was highly variable, shifting from place to place and even with the predictable phase of the moon and other, unpredictable heavenly events. After several rituals failed to produce moonfire, the church began to grow desperate, trying various methods to regain the goddess's favor. [30][50] Luna hired an older Vajra Valmeyjar, and from the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR onward, she became involved in the adventures of Vajra, Kyriani, Timoth Eyesbright, Onyx the Invincible, and a returned Conner. After a brief battle in which the good and evil aspects of the fallen Tyche nearly destroyed each other if not for the combined effort of Azuth, Lathander, and Selune, Beshaba cursed the four deities, decrying them as murderers and luckless villains unworthy of both her presence and her good will. [6][7][11][33][34][35] This universe was illuminated by the cool radiant face of Selne and darkened by the hair and welcoming embrace of Shar. Selne guides her devotees with majestic wisdom and grace. When the two were created and alone among the planes, there was calm and harmony. [30], Following the Godswar of 1358 DR, Selne and Sune parted on good terms and Selne was free to do as she willed again. They usually bestowed mortals with gifts and boons on her behalf. [1][4][7][10] But, over time, she did indeed wax and wane in power and prominence. The building is surrounded by columns, with a triangular blue-tiled roof. Press J to jump to the feed. Think Palpatine from Star Wars during the Republic levels of behind the scenes work. It became a great and sacred artifact, called the Tear of Selne. [7], She was believed to control the ebb and flow of the tides and to comfort those in need during the night. Thats such a large body of work with imagery and symbolism and complete story arcs. With divine guidance, they were more successful than ordinary folk. Updated to post-Sundering status quo. She could also instantly create any magical item that could heal, influence shapechangers, or bestow spells of the Moon domain. Phandalin is going to be celebrating their newfound security and financial prosperity with a Harvest Moon Festival. The priests cast certain secret spells then prostrated themselves before an altar, where they fell into a deep trance. [1][2][3][4][6][7] Common features were feminine symbols, small gardens, and reflecting ponds. They then went to see the false Selne for themselves. A common blessing by priests to the faithful. Women were honored for their roles as teachers and as role models in society and in the family. Selunes way thus makes the goddess ever more popular and keeps her clergy hardy, well-traveled, and in practical touch with the natural world. [1] They fought incessantly to undercut the other. Although she is but an avatar of Selne, Luna has a history and personality distinct from the deity and is a regular character of the. She is wearing a diaphanous white robes, trailing with "moondust". Honestly, I used a lot of Sailor Moon inspiration for my man and it turned out great. Imgig Zu seized the wand of power and intended to kill the deceived goddess. The Moonmaiden's clergy believe that "anywhere the full moon shines is the place for Selune." Her worshipers tend to be patient, accepting all with an understanding ear and a healing hand. [2][3][4][5][6][6][10], She was generous and freely bestowed gifts and blessings on mortals. This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Selune, goddess of good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers, motherhood, and reproductive cycles in the Forgotten Realms. [1] Lycanthropy was often known by the euphemism "Selne's Kiss"; one so touched was said to be "kissed by Selne". [9] Nevertheless, she was viewed as a calm power circa 1489 DR.[8], Nevertheless, at all times, Selne was caring and accepting of most beings, and forgiving of most of her followers' faults. [4][5] Her name was shared by the moon of Toril, Selne;[3] it was unknown if the moon was named for the goddess or the goddess for the moon. Alias(es) Described as chaos and timeless nothingness, the sphere was filled with no more than dim misty shadows, neither light nor dark, for such things had not yet separated. He failed, but as he lay dying beneath a desert moon, Selne healed him through divine intervention. He will, of course, make a partial appearance and be an obstacle in the final showdown. Please support this site for more resources. Many legends were told about her, the central one being her conflict with her sister Shar at the beginning of all things. [7] These habits kept the clergy well-traveled, resilient, and in touch with the natural world in a practical manner. Not to stroke too much to Sailor Moon but Selune kinda also follows the fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight mantra. Selne (/s'lun.e/ or seh-loon-ay) is a fictional goddess in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons. Her priests work ceaselessly against those of Mask and other evil gods. The elite specialty priests of the goddess are known as silverstars. [2][3][4][7] Instead, the temple priests made good money by practicing astrology and telling fortunes. She actively opposes the drow and their gods. While she is normally calm and placid, her war with Shar is fierce, with neither side giving or receiving quarter. Members of the Selunite priesthood also face lycanthropes fearlessly and thereby win respect among farmers and other members of the common folk. [2][3], The specialty priests were called silverstars, in both the time of Netheril and in the 14th century DR.[2][3], The church of Selne commonly included among its ranks clerics, the elite specialty priests known as silverstars, crusaders, and mystics. You have a much clearer path of what you want and its good go with it. When Thymara asked Selne what she was expecting in return for her help, Selne only answered that she wanted the dragonborn to thrive on Toril. [42], Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars. A sewn patch with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Hence, the church of Selne had been war with the church of Shar since their beginnings. The only other symbol of office is a staff wound about with vines and flowers. [68], Moonstones were believed to be sacred to Selne by her followers. [1][2][3][4] A Moon's Hand had a smooth head[1][2][3] representing the moon in a specific phase. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They would never forgive and never forget. Among other groups, the church of Selflne is also affiliated with Harpers and a group of female diviners who worship the Night White Lady who call themselves the Oracles of the Moon. Selne Nevertheless, there was a widespread preference for smaller shrines and individual worship. [4][5][6][7] Selne's scale mail comprised opalescent, circular scales that glowed faintly with silver light; she donned it only in battle, but might lend it to beings on a quest for her, without losing any of its protection herself. The symbol of the church was the holy symbol of the goddess: a pair of eyes, of a darkly beautiful human woman, encircled by seven silver stars. Plus, you have our NOPE. [2][4][5] She also made few demands of her followers. Milk was seen as a symbol of motherhood and the sustaining power of the feminine. [9][15][16] Other clergy could be druids and rangers. [4][6][7] Finally, she could be aggressive and fierce, but cold, and with little mercy for her enemies. Alignment: Chaotic Good Worshipers: Selne's clerics are a very diverse group, including sailors, non-evil lycanthropes, mystics, and female spellcasters. They are in reality planetars. Selune is worshiped by a mixed bag of followers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good- and neutral-aligned lycanthtopes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking protection from Shar, the lost, the questing, and those curious about the future. Selne (pronounced:/slun/seh-LOON-eh[1][4][5] or:/slune/seh-LOON-ay[6]), also known as Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, and the Night White Lady, was the goddess of the moon in the Faernian pantheon. They fought constantly in all realms of existence, across the sky at night and in other planes, waged through their mortal followers and their servitor beings, and in person. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][9][60][61], Her other great foes were Mask, for the mischief and wickedness he made in the shadows formed by her moon's light at night; Umberlee, over the fates of ships at sea; and the rotting god Moander. [9] In the time of Netheril, she was an ally of Mystryl, Jannath, and Tyche. In their work, they adopted whatever was practical for the task at hand. The most sacred rituals of Selune are the Conjuring of the Second Moon and the Mystery of the Night. I was going to be Tuxedo Mask and I was going to find my Sailor Moon and we were gonna do idk moon stuff. Conner claimed to be on a mission from a god to protect the child and the Catlord allowed him to carry the child away, and Conner was guided by the foretold signs. no risk refund guarantee [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][note 1] In the Shining Lands of Durpar, Estagund, and Var the Golden, Selne was known as Lucha, She Who Guides, and her worship was part of belief in the Adama. Her worshipers believe that she will guide them to the most profitable customers. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. The goddess, now freed, used her own life force to imprison the monsters inside a pocket dimension within a moonstone, now known as Selne's Eye. The demands she places on her followers are few, and the goddess is reputed to be free with her gifts and boons to mortals. Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. Selene () is the ancient Greek name of both the moon and the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. In this way, Selune steadily gains worshipers from the ranks of those who look to the night sky for guidance. Meanwhile, sailors defending the goddess's name in tavern brawls saw their blades glow softly with a pale violet light. A wax seal with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. [47], However, Selne had weakened herself and sacrificed her immortal youthful vitality and beauty, aging thousands of years. [4][5] In the 14th century DR, the church's ideology of female empowerment made her popular with alewives, laundresses, seamstresses, and servants. Powerless, Luna fell victim to the Rod of Oblivion. Alignment [4][7][31] Under the Great Wheel cosmology, her realm stood on the plane of Ysgard, also called Gladsheim. [4], Selne was believed to be one of the oldest deities known in Faern. Basic Information All of these titles are followed by Priestess/Priest.. [56], Selne counted as her allies fellow deities of the moon, beauty, fortune, joy, light, magic, and weather. With the faith of Selne promoting equality and understanding for all, and with her wide assortment of worshipers, her priesthood were just as diverse and eclectic. [43], During the divine conflict known as the Dawn Cataclysm, Tyche, the goddess of luck, was covertly corrupted by Moander, the god of decay, whilst on her travels. From the shadows of chaos, two sisters are born,One bright Selne, the other dark Shar.A harmonious balance soon to be tornWhen Selne gifts life with flame from afar! Im thinking about having the violent tribe misusing some artifacts of Selune that they have looted. Finally, do what I never did and GET THE MOONBLADE. A rock painted with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Thanks to Selne's help, the dragonborn survivors were able to gather and found the city-citadel of Djerad Thymar. Lucha oversees connections and relationships, guiding herdsmen to good pastures, blessing marriages, helping lost ships at sea, and ensuring safe births. [39] A temple dedicated to Selne, the Abbey of the Moon, was established in 3847DR.[40][41], In the Year of Sundered Webs, 339 DR, Karsus's Folly triggered the death of Mystryl and caused the cataclysmic Fall of Netheril. Sehanine Moonbow looks like a 5ft. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [1][2][6], In the Shining Lands, where Selne was known as Lucha, the city of Lastarr was a hub of her faith. Silvery Selne contested with her dark sister over whether or not to bring further life to the worlds. Where Shar is a neutral-evil goddess who embraces nothingness and darkness, Selune is a chaotic-good goddess who watches over life with the light of the moon. Below are images related to the deity. Founded as a city of Selunites ages ago, its mythal is linked to the moon, and it appears only on certain moonlit nights as a ghostly, floating splendor of walls and towers only to disappear again. [2], The Selnite religion was an ancient one in Faern. [7][31][32] Under the World Axis cosmology, the Gates of the Moon was a dominion in the Astral Sea. She encourages her worshipers to do the following: Never lose hope or faith, for every force in the world ebbs and flows. The goddesses were beautiful, identical but polar opposites, silver-haired and raven-haired, one representing the light, the other the dark in the manner of yin and yang. These were held on the nights of every full moon and new moon. Sune is the deity of beauty, with governance also over lovetypically love base on outward beauty. For example, a Selnite captured by Sharrans who spied a moonstone ring on one of their fingers would understand there was a spy in the cult. From the residues of these struggles emerged the original deities of magic, war, disease, murder, death, and others. She had a serene and peaceful nature and was slow to anger; she would not fight if she could help it, but nor did she hold back if she must. [8] It was told by clerics of Selne, Shar, and Chauntea,[33] but it was repeated in so many religions in Faern it was widely held to be true. [38][39] Later that night, Luna transformed fully into an avatar of Selne, and famously battled Shar over the streets of Waterdeep, her light blasting away Shar's darkness. I wanted it so bad but we ended before I could. [2], In the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, the clergy grew in strength. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] She was also known as Bright Nydra in the Farsea Marshes; as Elah among the Bedine of Anauroch; and as Lucha, called She Who Guides, in the Shining Lands, where she was part of the faith of the Adama. Astrologers, diviners, fortune-tellers, mystics, and those just curious about the future acknowledged her as a ruler of fate. You can use an action to cast one of these spells. The "night stalk" changed from a "solitary moonlit walk" (where the name is more fitting) in the, Organizations in the Sea Ward of Waterdeep, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Cyclopedia of the Realms), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms. A stone with Selne's symbol etched on the surface. [8], The church had an ideology of female empowerment. [5] More involved ceremonies involved dances under the open sky and prayers in the moonlight, with libations of milk and wine over a central altar. Worshipers Selne's clerics are a very diverse group, including sailors, non-evil lycanthropes, mystics, and female spellcasters. She bade the faithful to encourage and exemplify acceptance, equality and equal access, tolerance, and understanding; to treat all other beings as equals; and to make all welcome in the faith. Favored deity Shes the light in the darkness that illuminates the path and protects travelers by night, by sea, and supports good lycanthropes. Their duties were similar but distinct. [7][33][34][35][note 2], This greatly enraged Shar; she renewed her assault on her injured sister and began to blot out all light and warmth in the universe, or the lights of Selne, gravely weakening her. [4], Temple priests provided healing to the community and tended to the residents of asylums and sanitariums, which often adjoined their temples. Priests of Selne spend their time wandering Orben reaching out to the faithful and to potential worshipers of the moon goddess, since Selne can be worshiped anywhere on the surface world. Meanwhile, a holy word from her automatically banished evil extraplanar beings. The greatest and most beautiful temple to Selune is the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where Priestess of the High Moonlight (or to the uninitiated, simply High Priestess) Naneatha Suaril holds court in a gilt-domed temple whose ornate new gates depict Selune triumphantly hurling Shar down into the spires of Waterdeep as the faithful say she did during the Time of Troubles. This was in the belief that the moon subtly influenced the cycles of the female body, and thus she felt closest to Selne during the full moon. [29], Selne dwelled in a planar realm called the Gates of the Moon. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. A circlet woven with vines and flowers rest on her brow. Worshipers, Clergy & Temples Sehanine's faithful view life as a series of mysteries veiled by Sehanine herself. Curious about the future acknowledged her as a ruler of fate Djerad Thymar cookies and similar technologies to you... 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