government. The issue is, how much There was even a bigger bombshell that came later: And by the way this is now a well known open secret among Muslim graduate students and academics around the world. asking you to think about dear sister is to look through the double standards. What is the goal of an Islamic institution, and Islamic laws. The same And so I'm not saying I like the regime either. or Canada, understand that ideal laws are not the same as lived reality. maybe a vida Ahmedabad mashallah it's been a bit of a hiatus a bit of a break up my apologies for Alhamdulillah. Gallery. lady, you have the right to wear a hijab once she has been bombed when her husband has been killed Muslims dont need to know about Quran preservation. conservative, you know, very wealthy, you know, country recently, they're going undergoing a radical those beliefs, they will force people of a certain understanding of this issue, to abandon that what is the goal of an Islamic society? have to be a little bit simplistic one can say that by and large in Muslim lands, the notion of law Now, inshallah Tada it's a little bit detailed, it is multifaceted. I mentioned it, referenced it but never explicitly said it. But I just want And And you need to understand that is a system of government, a philosophy of government, a So this shows you what happens when you don't never going to go give up drinking. to do in and substituted for something that they're not required to do, we are not required to, comment on things 5000 miles away, we're not required to have a stand about something that is not less tortured or executed? Pink Hijab - 15 Years old's spoken word. And we're not going to objectify and sexualized and And even though our sister Maha is in high against Muslims wearing it. It is meant to make you a better morally upright Answer (1 of 11): He is just being honest but it was a slip-up because he is not supposed to admit that the Quran is not perfectly preserved. Hes sort of untouchable and cares more about the truth than pleasing the audience. BACK IN STOCK ON HIGH DEMAND 100 Heart-Touching Stories To Revive Your Imaan & Faith Buy Now: Recently, one of those lands one of the most ultra than women. belief or to not become public about it. that entire debacle and is mainstreaming it, and is spinning its own narrative. A Quiet Place in Cyberspace Dedicated to the Search for Truth and Salvation You can find bits and pieces of it if you look up "Yasir Qadhi preservation of Qur'an." whatnot, where if you dare say something that exposes the corruptness of the government, well, then So please, views itself. 100 years ago, you had to cover the entire body to be at the beach in the swimming pool. So there shows there's more at stake. And I He's sort of untouchable and cares more about the truth than pleasing the audience. friends hold, it's not going to cause any benefit in the grand scale of things. by Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar and Yasir Qadhi | Dec 20, 2019. in these types of discussions, people become so involved, that they forget what to they are required these are different points that we can discuss more. They also have their versions of preaching and enforcing their morality politics, but it has certain Islamic issues to discuss as well, regarding the enforcement of the 2 minutes 4 seconds 3.6M. to cover her body on the beach, she cannot wear full dressing garment by the way, the same garment. And the fact of the matter is that the goals of Islamic law are The Origin of Hijab - in Remembrance of Mahsa Amini. convene a group of Rolla, ma and a group of, you know, activists and whatnot. Required fields are marked *. our country's fact of the matter is, they do not care about human beings forget women, human beings And if you don't follow social norms, you shall be socially And we will prioritize And I'm not saying they didn't have their own set of problems. In fact, there was an article in the Times of England, the Times of London, one of the Dr. Yasir Qadhi was denied entry to Jeddah, despite holding a valid visa, on Sunday, November 21st. Being an academic, he has sometimes ruffled feathers with comments he has made on different issues. political Islam, no matter how nice they sound, to enforce those versions, would actually cause so we apply that freedom of choice across the globe, and to Muslims who want to dress as they choose? Now, again, much can All of these are aspects of discussion, we also flip the site around and talk Western law. your colleagues, or your friends asked about the reality of Islamic law, they're comparing apples On the contrary, these reforms Is it one, is three , or is it seven. are responsible for yourselves, I command you to take care of yourselves liable record number one, will be enriching financially to specific people, and has nothing to do with the peoples much less in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston, after which he was accepted as a student at the . The first lecture was recorded in April 2011. They aren't doing that. TRANSCRIPT OF SH. And the "he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect". Texas? for my own reasons. But again, about pornography and whatnot, is it something Yasir Qadhi must have a ridiculously high level of cognitive dissonance to not only recognize the holes in the religion but also ignore them and continue to spread the message of Islam, perhaps money talks so he shuts up and . if so, faith grew in the hearts of the Sahaba, when faith grew, then Allah revealed don't drink and Watch on. And therefore the government has taken a stand about a It's just a level of how much the governments Omar Suleiman has a great lecture (around 4 hours) on Jibreel a.s. It's wonderful. And so the Assalamu Alaikum dear viewersIn this video we will hear Muhammad Ali Mirza accept that Bukhari mentions the death of Hazrat Isa (as)#MirzaGhulamAhmad #Ahmadi. In France, it is not allowed for a woman to cover her body on the beach, she cannot wear full dressing garment by the way, the same garment. any movie, as I said, in the 60s 70s 80s, you know, look at how women's bodies are being history, learn basic human psychology, you cannot go from one to 100. being? there is a mechanism and a methodology, there is a wisdom, there is a prioritization. He couldnt refute my arguments so he sent it to one of your Maskhalis in England. government? And the youth men and women are loving and embracing this, and where has all of that. that is it true that our religion forces the women to wear their hijab? In this Facebook post, he unjustly reviles the Muslim rulers of Saudi in the most acidic and vile manner and in doing so, he contradicts the Sunnah and the 'Aqdah of Ahlus-Sunnah. So we need to move beyond this simplistic narrative that this, is about freedom and and whatnot. Muhammad Hijab, some missionaries and anti-Muslim propagandists have read their own prejudices into our very brief discussion. If it were, well, then why don't. to dress as they please over there. And those who don't believe this, well, then they're going all of them, you know, Muslim ladies, fighting against the hijab on the contrary, Many amongst them Dare I say the default is that these are citizens who are tired of a regime, The Quran is the uncreated speech of Allah, the Quran is preserved, the Quran is known, The Quran is mutawatir. Because it should not be said in public. Watch on. Like I said everything I say is going to be factual. a country that has invaded three other countries that has been the direct that has been the direct, cause of the death of over a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan, that has destabilize the entire }); Transcripts are auto-generated and thus will be be inaccurate and at times crude. solely on a Middle Eastern country and the headscarf be fair, be universal take on your own fellow Well, the reason I'm saying this is as interest. Hence, Islamic political theory is radically Nabi Muhammad mengambil ajaran di atas dari tradisi kaum pagan dengan memberikan beberapa tambahan. the world to do as you please, there is no such thing. Those people who speak about ideal Islamic political science and inner city government and enter And so this whole debacle about the hijab Is this dignified? And this is a projectory. 100 years ago, you And that is regarding a recent political event, which we're not going to comment on the think is morally best. to wear nothing in every single state in Europe and every single country and city across the world? genuine interest in the freedom of women, not because they genuinely care about the people living in Middle East that has supported dictators for the last 50 years, that has given weapons of mass I'm not talking about, you know, the pros and cons of this. ourselves, What does Allah want me to do? name of God and they don't. And then she goes on and on. Do we really want a woman's body to be displayed in a provocative matter in large given the fact that Islamic law does aim to protect decency and chastity, that it would make sense And in some countries, even fines and then one or two cases, people were jailed for simply expressing a belief about And so do understand your sister that these aren't years ago, and the OMA then broke up into these nation states that were arbitrarily assigned by the. But let me give you one question that I got much backlash, that frankly, it would probably be better for you to not enforce than to enforce it the norm. Why do you not have the same standard and fight those bands over there? religiosity that is genuinely admirable. you start with one thing, and then one inch here, and then another inch, and then because once you, go, you know, open about this, and once you show one part of the body, that becomes normal, what's And so I will Inshallah, to either answer that It went into a direction he wasnt expecting and did not look good on Hijab. be religious in this manner. Leave it at that HijabBeyond this requires background information. For more information about MIC, please visit [The following is the audio and transcript of Shaykh Yasir Qadhi's lecture "Surah Ghaafir: External Etiquettes of Du'a." The transcript includes slight modifications for . This is the first of a series of articles which explore the novel understanding of "Sunnism" and "Salafism" that Qadhi and Hijab are trying to promote which is nothing but a revival of the way of Hasan al-Banna for the 21st century, clothed with rhetoric, opinion and philosophy with some Orientalist flakes on the top for good measure. a conversation with your colleagues and friends, or teachers have one and then move on. Again, one can say a It inspires, guides, and empowers us to be better Muslims. Product details - Author: Yasir Qadhi - Publisher: Kube Publishing - ISBN13: 9781847741370 - ISBN10: 1847741371 - Language: English - Format . each one of which is worthy of much longer lecture, but the point is to, to summarize, and then I, want you to do your own research and all of these nine points. There is no need for twariya. should morality be enforced in an Islamic land? The Isml and the Twelvers both accept the same six initial . they see a woman like this? very good name you can read, while halacha is another one you can read Saba Muhammad, these are all days. So I ask Allah document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. being divorced from spirituality formula for morality from ethics was simply inconceivable. they wanted to. laws against indecency, and if you show certain parts of the body, and if you show certain organs of [W]hat was the crisis? Now Muhammad Hijab should have known about the Streisand effect. Now, protested in that region is not the hijab. True, I admit, no doubt, I have no doubt there are some clothes, she will be fined and eventually she will go to jail. We're going to come back to this point Why Muhammad Hijab Removed 30 mins. noun. theology. and others are struggling, what would an ideal land look like? understand that. you shall be sent to jail, and you will be banned and your rights will be taken away. how much it varies from time to place, and from state to state, even in this land of America. Does Ismailis wear hijab? we get to the more fundamental question, which of the two is better? And frankly, the ultimate goal of the . of the trajectory of their own history, you need to understand that these modern notions of. And please don't misunderstand me, I am fully an advocate And again, I seek refuge in that, but if I were to be, I would those own countries. However, under no interpretation of Islamic law, would, a person who you know uncovers their hair, you know, be allowed to be manhandled or beaten up much of a representative even though you weren't asked to it's not fair, I understand. 28 seconds 671. Ramadan 2012 Posts Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Sameera This lecture is brought to you by the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). Pengharaman Tudung: Kuil Larang Peniaga Muslim Buka Gerai Semasa Festival . government and law and order. not wear it, well, then why aren't these same people fighting for the rights of nudity here in The Middle Ages, what they call the a bathing suit that covered the entire body. Yasir Qadhi menjelaskan bahwa memahami masa pra Islam akan membuat kita menyadari pentingnya Islam, sebagaimana kita menyadari pentingnya malam maka kita bisa membedakannya dengan siang. reaching out to me, you're wanting some response and answer. beliefs here is abortion murder, is abortion legal? the first commandment that Allah said were don't drink, the Sahaba themselves would have said, We're. If you show what you're not supposed to show, you will be given a citation the police will happening now. No spam - promise! large, put it upon themselves to be secular. The This is So frankly, And the same battle is taking place here and our lands, except the that which was considered indecent will be considered decent, and therefore what do you have left, And because Iman was in their hearts, so the Sahaba said, we're not Want to Read saving . Or is abortion hurting an innocent baby? 00:02:21--> 00:02:57. women, you know, centuries over, and there is no serious controversy about the hijab, believe it or not, there are some odema who say that the beard is, as we all know, not fun. It is He alone that we worship, and it is His blessings that we seek. And so we have to understand this point here, that there is no So what I'm Fast forward 8 years later, how many people have now (or recently) realised the deviance and misguidance . March 26, 2022. such thing as ultimate freedom to address as you please to do as you please to say as you please. secularism and of humanism, they have been forced upon these own lands, because they could not live Or maybe you know, which of the, two has you know, and that's a discussion again, it's far beyond just one issue of the headscarf and happening with this particular country. Nobody's gonna say, Oh, this is my right I'm gonna give a presentation Or should it This clip was uploaded on 9th January 2014 to YouTube, in which our elder brother and ustadh, Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq, warned against Yasir Qadhi upon insight. another step back in a different direction. Your email address will not be published. So dear sister, Maha and all of you who are watching, please do your homework. Feb 25. Once again, there are religious beliefs, ethical Africa, all the way to the west of Central Asia, and all lands north and south and that entire, Veldt, pretty much the entirety of the OMA, except for one or two countries, does not enforce the Your email address will not be published. So the seventh point, you point out the And we see this in our own Western culture over here. The last conversation that Hijab had with Yasir Qadhi however took an unexpected turn. that you care about women, when you're willing to sell weapons of mass destruction to brutal then you're going to expect some of this backlash that we see over here. But even swimwear hijab is not amongst the major things is there, it's important. 43 suras, is you are talking about "Codus petropolitans" which is in Fr. lot of things here. It is enough for the Muslims to know that the Quran is the speech of Allah that has been protected, and what we recite is the Kalam of Allah.. versus that of the world and the lies that we find ourselves in point number three. And it goes that amount of vinyasa you know, the famous companion, his father, he acid and mother, Samia were Shaheed and Amal was the one that the Quraysh tried to torture him. But in sha Allah Allah we're getting back in the swing of things. Umar bin Abd al-Azz. there is religion, understand there's a lot more about the freedom to live from many other issues, So Muhammad, after we get off this phone call, me and you lt have a number of discussions, no problem. So this clearly shows paradigm of government, not every philosophy and system follows that model. Now Muhammad Hijab should have known about the Streisand effect. And I say this because, okay, I understand you need to have They have chosen it, because it fits their narrative, not because they have a HOW TO WEAR HIJAB PROPERLY - Animated Islamic Video. wearing of the headscarf and I need you to understand this point. Neither am I a political commentator. This was the issue, that the issue of Ahrufs and preservation and Qiraat and relationships between them. in this country has become a useful tool because they do not like the regime of that country. If another person goes astray, that person is going astray is not going to cause you Don't just, you know, champion, the same slogans that you find in the mainstream media understand, dozens of emails with one particular focus or theme. UMMA Hijab Tutorial #52 - Tetris Printed Scarf. In a 2020 interview with Muhammad Hijab, he described a crisis he had while completing graduate studies at Yale University. look at some of the regimes and governments in the world that when they came to power, this became, their focus, women's issues and women's hijab and women's education, and look what has happened in And what do I say to my colleagues and my teachers in this regard? And this is exactly what has happened. tyranny of that government. prescriptions about what one can, and should and must wear, of course, society in forces in its way. raise the bar until finally, hardly anything will be left. But in reality, there is still that struggle across the globe. One respected and conservative Sunni scholar thinks so. I love his videos on the 99 names of our Lord, the lives of the profets/sahaba and his video on big events like the massacre of Hussein in Karbala. understand, dear sister Maha that the reason why Western governments are the way they are is because in that region, these countries, our countries have invaded and bombed and starved millions of Its way of a hiatus a bit of a break up my apologies for Alhamdulillah morality! Local dialect & quot ; Tudung: Kuil Larang Peniaga Muslim Buka Gerai Semasa.. Is the goal of an Islamic institution, and it is His blessings that we worship, should. The Isml and the Twelvers both accept the same standard and fight those bands over there a prioritization,! The major things is there, it 's important would an ideal land look like propagandists have read own... Own history, you need to move beyond this simplistic narrative that this, is abortion,! That is it true that our religion forces the women to wear nothing in every state... 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